Monday, May 25, 2020

Guide and Examples for Writing a Sociology Abstract

If you are a student learning sociology, chances are you will be asked to write an abstract. Sometimes, your teacher or professor may ask you to write an abstract at the beginning of the research process to help you organize your ideas for the research. Other times, the organizers of a conference or editors of an academic journal or book will ask you to write one to serve as a summary of research you have completed and that you intend to share. Lets review exactly what an abstract is and the five steps you need to follow in order to write one. Definition Within sociology, as with other sciences, an abstract is a brief and concise description of a research project that is typically in the range of 200 to 300 words. Sometimes you may be asked to write an abstract at the beginning of a research project and other times, you will be asked to do so after the research is completed. In any case, the abstract serves, in effect, as a sales pitch for your research. Its goal is to pique the interest of the reader such that he or she continues to read the research report that follows the abstract or decides to attend a research presentation you will give about the research. For this reason, an abstract should be written in clear and descriptive language and should avoid the use of acronyms and jargon. Types Depending on at what stage in the research process you write your abstract, it will fall into one of two categories: descriptive or informative. Those written before the research is completed will be descriptive in nature. Descriptive abstracts provide an overview of the purpose, goals, and proposed methods of your study, but do not include discussion of the results or conclusions you might draw from them. Informative abstracts are super-condensed versions of a research paper that provide an overview of the motivations for the research, problem(s) it addresses, approach and methods, the results of the research, and your conclusions and implications of the research. Preparing to Write Before you write an  abstract there are a few important steps you should complete. First, if you are writing an informative abstract, you should write the full research report. It may be tempting to start by writing the abstract because it is short, but in reality, you cant write it until you the report is complete because the abstract should be a condensed version of it. If youve yet to write the report, you probably have not yet completed analyzing your data or thinking through the conclusions and implications. You cant write a research abstract until youve done these things. Another important consideration is the length of the abstract. Whether you are submitting it for publication, to a conference, or to a teacher or professor for a class, you will have been given guidance on how many words the abstract can be. Know your word limit in advance and stick to it. Finally, consider the audience for your abstract. In most cases, people you have never met will read your abstract. Some of them may not have the same expertise in sociology that you have, so its important that you write your abstract in clear language and without jargon. Remember that your abstract is, in effect, a sales pitch for your research, and you want it to make people want to learn more. Step-by-Step Guide Motivation. Begin your abstract by describing what motivated you to conduct the research. Ask yourself what made you pick this topic. Is there a particular social trend or  phenomenon that sparked your interest in doing the project? Was there a gap in existing research that you sought to fill by conducting your own? Was there something, in particular, you set out to prove? Consider these questions and begin your abstract by briefly stating, in one or two sentences, the answers to them.Problem. Next, describe the problem or question to which your research seeks to provide an answer or better understanding. Be specific and explain if this is a general problem or a specific one affecting only certain regions or sections of the population. You should finish describing the problem by stating your hypothesis, or what you expect to find after conducting your research.Approach and methods. Following your description of the problem, you must next explain how your research approaches it, in terms of theoretical framing or general perspective, and which research methods you will use to do the research. Remember, this should be brief, jargon-free, and concise.Results. Next, describe in one or two sentences the results of your research. If you completed a complex research project that led to several results that you discuss in the report, highlight only the most significant or noteworthy in the abstract. You should state whether or not you were able to answer your research questions, and if surprising results were found too. If, as in some cases, your results did not adequately answer your question(s), you should report that as well.Conclusions. Finish your abstract by briefly stating what conclusions you draw from the results and what implications they might hold. Consider whether there are implications for the practices and policies of organizations and/or government bodies that are connected to your research, and whether your results suggest that further research shoul d be done, and why. You should also point out whether the results of your research are generally and/or broadly applicable or whether they are descriptive in nature and focused on a particular case or limited population. Example Lets take as an example the abstract that serves as the teaser for a journal article by sociologist Dr. David Pedulla. The article in question, published in American Sociological Review,  is a report on how taking a job below ones skill level or doing part-time work can hurt a persons future career prospects in their chosen field or profession.  The abstract is annotated with bolded numbers that show the steps in the process outlined above. 1. Millions of workers are employed in positions that deviate from the full-time, standard employment relationship or work in jobs that are mismatched with their skills, education, or experience. 2. Yet, little is known about how employers evaluate workers who have experienced these employment arrangements, limiting our knowledge about how part-time work, temporary agency employment, and skills underutilization affect workers labor market opportunities. 3. Drawing on original field and survey experiment data, I examine three questions: (1) What are the consequences of having a nonstandard or mismatched employment history for workers labor market opportunities? (2) Are the effects of nonstandard or mismatched employment histories different for men and women? and (3) What are the mechanisms linking nonstandard or mismatched employment histories to labor market outcomes? 4. The field experiment shows that skills underutilization is as scarring for workers as a year of unemployment, but that there are limited penalties for workers with histories of temporary agency employment. Additionally, although men are penalized for part-time employment histories, women face no penalty for part-time work. The survey experiment reveals that employers perceptions of workers competence and commitment mediate these effects. 5. These findings shed light on the consequences of changing employment relations for the distribution of labor market opportunities in the new economy. Its really that simple.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Writing Is An Art That Improves Through Time With...

Writing is an art that improves through time with consistent practice and exploration of one’s skills. Prior to this class, I have always considered myself to be an efficient writer. However, my writing was limited in the scope of academic writing, due to the fact that throughout my high school career, that is the most of what was expected to be written from me. In this class I was able to dive further into my writing and explore with my skills in the context of creative writing, poetry, as well as fictional writing; something I had little to no experience in. With the correct guidance from you, my professor, and consistent practicing, I was able to create five pieces that I believe to be some of my best work in these particular genres of†¦show more content†¦Like all works of writing, it is ultimately a work in progress, as is this writing. However, I still believe that it highlights a strong aspect of my skills; the ability to explore and execute. It was this assign ment that ultimately pushed me through to the fictional realm of writing; the assignment that tipped me over the edge into a completely distinct writing than that of academic. It was ultimately the beginning of my transition into a greater work of skill as a writer. Thus, there was more work created throughout the duration of the class. The second work that is presented in this portfolio is a moment in time assignment that was written, titled â€Å"Life and Marriage.† This writing was very personal to me, similar to the creative nonfiction assignment that I wrote. As stated before, writing on the matter of personal experience is difficult to do. Nonetheless, I feel as though I excelled in this assignment in the sense that I was able to incorporate my ideas clearly and tell a story through my emotions, yet without clouding it’s intended message. This assignment has ultimately taught me the possibility as well as ability to incorporate personal experience to strengthen m y work, and to create a meaningful lesson and interpretation from it. Every writing has it’s own meaning to it, and with this specific piece, I was able to

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Is The Criminal Justice System Racially Biased Essay

Is the Criminal Justice System Racially Biased? Most criminologist use two sources of criminal justice data in the United States: the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) and the National Crime Victimization Surveys (NCVS). The URC data is made from law enforcement agencies and include crime incidents reported to or obtained by the police. NCVS data is obtained from a very complex national survey of a sample of homes and provide information about crime incidents and victims for both reported and unreported crimes, excluding homicide. For my report I obtained research information from questionnaires and from several text books. I gave the questionnaire concerning bias in the criminal justice system to four whites, four blacks, one Asia, and one†¦show more content†¦Blacks however are on the outskirts of that moral community or in another different moral community. Ultimately whites and blacks do not relate to and understand the Criminal Justice System the same for they view and react to the actions of authorities based on their life experiences caused by race and SES nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I stated earlier that blacks and whites are in different moral communities, this means that the normal excepted behavior for one group is not the same for the other group. We can prove this with statistics. The median family income for whites is 38,909 and for blacks it is 21,161. This shows that blacks earn 54% of what whites earn. In addition, 4% of whites are unemployed, while 8% of blacks are unemployed. This shows that blacks are unemployed at a rate of 200% compared with unemployed whites. Also, 9% of whites live in poverty, compared with 31% of blacks living in poverty. This is an astonishing figure that states 344% of blacks live in unacceptable conditions compared with whites. What does all of this mean? Where and how you live decide who you are, and contribute to labelling. Obviously, blacks have a lower SES and fall victim to a self-fulfilling prophecy and labels. The problem arises when quot;the Criminal Justice System discriminates against these groups of citizensquot; (Henslin 182). In William Chambliss study of quot;Saints and Roughnecksquot; he proved thatShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Racial Corruption In The Criminal Justice System1678 Words   |  7 Pages Racial Corruption in the Criminal Justice System It appears that the criminal justice system is racially biased. Instead of the criminal justice system giving all of the citizens of the United States of America the same civil treatment, it treats all individuals differently based upon the color of an individual’s skin. What does it mean to be racially biased? Being racially biased is known as to judge one by his or her physical appearance. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Apply Construction Organizations Processes -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Apply Construction Organizations Processes? Answer: Introduction The purpose of this paper is to critically analyze the concept of lean principles and tools in terms of execution of construction projects. Therefore, the main aim is to analyze a practical implementation of lean principles and tools (last planer) in a construction project in Doha, Qatar. Lean principles and tools are very applicable in the construction industry for projects that need to be profitable in the future. There are many tools that can be applied in lean technology so as to minimize wastes in materials, labour, and other resources in order to maximize profit margin. Qatar is a developing country in terms of growth and development of infrastructure and other construction projects. In that case, a developing country may not have modern technology to design remarkable infrastructures and construction projects. The main cause of this assertion is due to competition in the construction industry and lack of appropriate mechanisms to maximize profit margins along with minimization of wastes associated with construction projects. In that case, implementation of lean principles and tools in Doha, Qatar will bear significant progress in designing infrastructure and construction projects. Doha, Qatar is a place that attracts millions of tourists every year from all corners of the globe. Therefore, the sustainability of construction projects needs to be well established so as to satisfy the rising demand from customers. Implementation of lean principles and tools brings more value to the development of infrastructure. This is because more quality work is delivered using fewer resources. This is because the implementation process of these tools and principles is associated with low costs, ability to reduce wastes, saving time in construction projects and capital committed to these projects is also well planned. Again, the process applies less human efforts thus becoming labour intensive. Lean technology also applies tools and principles to design construction projects and infrastructure through the use of less space as compared to traditional systems of construction projects[1]. Construction companies operating in Doha, Qatar will be in a position to initiate a construc tion program that will provide quality products and services that are less costly. These products and services are also characterized will lack defects, unlike traditional construction system that produced products that are defective. Lastly, due to global development in construction projects, Doha, Qatar will be recognized as part of the major contributors in the implementation of lean tools and principles so as to satisfy and respond to desires raised by customers. It will also produce products and projects that will sustain the economy of Qatar in the next couple of generations. It is also important to recognize the efforts of the Toyota Corporation in Japan Auto industry. This was the origin of lean principles. In that case, lean construction is a combination of construction operational research and practical development in design in the construction process. Initially, construction projects were implemented through the use of traditional construction systems. However, upon the development of lean processing, Japan initiated a construction model that was referred as lean construction model. This was used to initiate construction projects as well as to propel their execution. Last planner system Lean principles and tools have been used to initiate construction projects for many years. There are many tools that have been designed by experts to execute these projects. In this case, we consider last planer system as the main tool that Doha, Qatar can use to facilitate a practical implementation in construction projects. The planner system was developed to initiate a clear path in lean construction so as to deliver construction objectives. In that case, the main ideology that planner system managed to initiate was based on productivity in the construction industry. Therefore, the system became very effective in cases where Construction Company aims to maximize productivity as well as reduces costs such as capital investment, space of operation, labour, resources and completion time. Last planner system is a very significant concept in project management, especially in construction projects management. This system is very applicable in different control units. The two main units in construction that apply this concept include workflow control unit and production unit control. These units work collectively to deliver a unique project execution plan. If we consider the conditions in Doha, Qatar, we realize that the concept of lean construction is very applicable since soil texture in Doha, Qatar required lean construction designs to lay down a sustainable construction project. Construction projects are associated with wastage in terms of materials, labour, space, capital investment and project completion time. Considering the rising demand for a construction project in Qatar, then there is need to adopt lean principles and tools that suggest application of last planner system. This will assist companies in Doha, Qatar to produce quality projects that are sustainable in future. There will be lean implementation phase that will offer solutions to wastage. The lean construction phase will also determine wastage in construction projects and devices mitigation strategies to minimize wastes[2]. Projects are not permanent production systems. Therefore, it is very important to use last planner system so as to initiate the process of value maximization and waste minimization. The main idea of applying lean construction principles and tools is to deliver quality products. Lean construction projects are safer, they are easy to manage, best quality, low costs and appr opriate completion time. Last planner system integrated with other lean construction principles and tools. Lastly, the best approach to last planner system is time management. The system has the ability to initiate project execution timeline. This time schedule can be planned based on project construction phase. Each construction phase may be allocated a particular period of time to be initiated and executed. This can either be weekly or monthly based on decisions set by project management team. Each phase also needs to determine the level of wastes. It is easier to reduce a given quantity of waste once the construction project is initiated. Last planner system of a production unit is also necessary for supporting construction projects. It is triggered by planned accomplishment. It also determines other alternatives that can be applied in construction projects so as to deliver projects in scheduled timelines. In order to support lean projects, each section of last planner system is very feasible. Lean project planning and execution will not be viable if construction team ignore contributions of last planner system. The figure below demonstrates how last planner system operates. Last planner system Source: Turner Construction Co. 9/ 2013 If construction companies in Doha, Qatar can apply this system in executing construction projects, then there is a high likelihood of maximizing value in the economy as well as minimization of costs and wastes in construction. This system will enable Doha, Qatar to move from the previous project construction level to a higher level as indicated in the figure below. Source: lean construction institute 2013 From the figure above, construction projects in Doha, Qatar are performed better each year due to the application of last planner system in lean construction. Benefits of last planner system in construction projects There are remarkable benefits that can be associated with last planner system in lean construction. In that case, these advantages propel projects in delivery time and quality. These benefits involve the following conversations: Collaborative Programming this involves the integration of project teams so as to deliver construction projects in the most desirable manner. In that case, this kind of programming enhances consultation of different teams so as to make the most feasible decisions and judgments concerning a particular project. Again, through this platform, teams are able to arrange meetings for project execution. Meetings can be held weekly to initiate the weekly plan. Make Ready this process is meant to set the projects into progress. In that case, all the necessary requirements are set so as to propel execution plan. This process facilitates projects execution in different phases until project completion. Production Planning planning is the most important task to perform a project. Last planner system facilitates this kind of planning through project delivery program and project time engagement. Production Management this involves project management team. Last planner system provides the best management team to initiate project execution. This is because, lean tools and principles provide guidelines on project management in term of timeline, costs, wastage and other alternatives. Measurement, learning and continual improvement- this is very evident from the figure above. Each year, the level of construction projects implemented by application of lean principles and tools in Doha, Qatar has been increasing each year. This is a key positive indicator that last planner system is very beneficial in terms of measurement, learning, and continual improvement. The concept of last planner system in lean construction is highly vested in productivity. If the management team apply this system to the letter, then construction projects will be established within the most appropriate timeline. It also allows reflection sessions in weekly dates. This allows project team members to reflect on what has been achieved as well as determine mistakes made to avoid recurrence in the future. Methodology The case study on the implementation of lean principles and tools in Doha, Qatar was a beginning to remarkable progress in construction projects in the area for many years. The mode of implementation in those projects was initiated through traditional construction system before the establishment of lean construction technology. Doha construction industries in Qatar applied last planner system in construction projects after the company realized how competitive construction process was in Qatar. Foreign companies offered better products and services in lean construction which made Doha lose many of the customers. Therefore, to regain a competitive advantage in this implementation, intensive research was conducted in last planner system. It was also integrated with lean principles and tools to upgrade projects in construction. Through formulation and testing of hypothesis, last planner system played a very significant role in project management and construction execution plan. In addition, this case study report also provide an implementation plan that was initiated by construction team so as to deliver quality projects, appropriate completion periods, low costs, minimized wastage and maximization of wealth margin. The research conducted in this field was performed by a positivist researcher who formulated the most appropriate hypothesis to offer a practical implementation of leans principles and tools in construction projects in Doha, Qatar. This hypothesis was very correct and was accepted. In that case, the level of construction projects implemented through lean principles and tools improved in Doha, Qatar as demonstrated by the figure below. lean construction institute 2013 This progress was achieved after construction project management team formulated the following steps in order to realize the slight improvement each year. The project management team managed to lay down strategies so as to outdo competitors. In that case, application of last planner system assisted the implementation of lean principles and tools which in return produced quality products and services. The team also compared the sustainability of those projects in line with lean construction. The numerous researches on most appropriate implementation plan assessed and project team selected the best plan out of the list provided. There were weekly meeting that provided a reflection on what was accomplished as well as validate what needed to be done. A better plan was formulated to minimize wastage in future. Case study background This case study involved lean construction that was applied in Doha, Qatar. This case study was formulated in the construction industry that increasingly trended forward. This process was implemented and applied to value stream mapping. This was a sustainable construction project that applied construction tools. In this case, lean principles and tools were applied to install underground pipelines in Doha, Qatar. This case study also laid down strategies to minimize wastes. This can be demonstrated in the data below. Examples of waste in construction Waste types Rise in costs of construction projects with number of products already produced Rework of activities thus increasing costs Nonnecessary construction steps Over-processing In order to reduce these wastes, the case study provided project description that provided all necessary requirements. The data below offer a clear path that this case study formulated in construction projects. Project Contract value Duration % time elapsed When LPS starts Subcontractors Project status Lean multipurpose construction project 1 6 cores 12 months 35% Structural Architectural Mechanical Electrical HVAC Flooring False ceiling 4 months behind schedule Research findings and results Data is very important as far as implementation of lean principles and tools are concerned with construction projects. The wider population, in this case, was Doha, Qatar. In that connection, there was a need to concentrate on a smaller sample size so as to represent the entire population. The sample size was determined by observing areas where lean construction was highly applicable to the population. The survey questionnaire is a form of the quantitative approach to data collection who analysis involves testing hypothesis. Therefore, the null hypothesis was formulated as follows. Null hypothesis: lean principles and tools are very applicable in enhancing a practical implementation in a construction project in Doha, Qatar. The Sample respondent to this hypothesis and positivist researcher in construction project used this opportunity to gather data. We used different companies so as to compare the implementation of lean principles and tools in construction projects. It also relates to the application of last planner system that is incorporated in lean construction. The data below indicates the response from the sample. Company Duration of operation in years Current position Experience in years Knowledge of last planner system Knowledge of lean construction View on improvement in lean construction X 2 Supervisor 4 yes Yes Positive Y 7 Foreman 3 yes yes Positive Z 4 Superintend 6 no yes Negative Source: The data above was generated from survey questionnaire concerning the case study implantation of lean principles and tools in a construction project in Doha, Qatar. Outcome of survey questionnaire From responses provided by different companies, it was very clear that lean construction was widely applicable in these companies. The following interpretations were deduced from the survey. Lean construction was widely applicable in construction projects in different companies since it facilitated project execution plan via last planner system. Last planner system was very intensive in companies X and Y. Company Z had little knowledge of this system. A better communication strategy needed to be devised so as to inform superintend the benefits of implementing lean principles and tool via last planner system. Majority of respondents were very positive about growth in lean construction in future. A negative response on the growth of lean construction was probably associated with lack of knowledge in last planner system. The figure below was analyzed to indicate the importance of using last planner system. Data were analyzed to determine the population that supported this system in lean construction. Critical success factor of the study The most critical success factor in this study was directly connected with project management team. This team used skills and knowledge to formulate strategies that propelled implementation of lean principles and tools. As asserted in the case study, Doha, Qatar faced a lot of competition in construction projects from other well-established countries that developed lean technology in construction far long ago. Thus, the top management team was so determined to implement those tools and principles in project construction. Another critical success factor, in this case, was last planner system. During the survey, a lot of respondents were very ready to implement this system. Weekly meetings were set to initiate this system and the majority of the population demonstrated a clear path to embracing the system. Identified barriers hindering achievement of full potentials of LPS The last planner system has not been applied in Doha, Qatar to an extent of creating a convincing power to a lot of construction companies. Some companies wanted to apply traditional construction system possibly because they had not witnessed the benefits associated with last planner system. The researcher faced a difficult time to describe benefits associated with last planner system. This was the main barrier. Again, some workers would fully understand how last planner system worked while others could not. This delayed the implementation process. Lastly, the system required skilled experts to perform professional tasks. However, many companies had semi-skilled constructors. Majority of subcontractor used traditional construction system at the expense of last planner system. This also hindered the achievement of the full potential of last planner system. Conclusion The world needs to have sustainable infrastructure and construction project so as to satisfy the increasing demand for customers in this fields. Clinging too much to tradition construction systems will not assist the globe to realize the full potential of construction projects and infrastructure. For that reason, Doha, Qatar applied the last planner system so as to be part of world initiator of lean construction principle and tools in the Middle East. This dedication will make construction projects sustainable. There are many other lean principles and tools that can be implemented in construction projects apart from last planner system. It is also very important to conduct a similar research in future using other tools and principles in full realization of their contribution and credibility in lean construction. Again, those limiting factors that inhibited full potential of last planner system in the case study need to be revisited so as to mitigate the possible causes as well as for mulate strategies to prevent such inhibition in future. Reference Asefeso, A, Lean in Construction: (Key to Improvement in Time, Cost and Quality), CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014. Rubrich, L, An Introduction to Lean Construction: Applying Lean to Construction Organizations and Processes, WCM Associates LLC, 201 [1] A. Asefeso, Lean in Construction: (Key to Improvement in Time, Cost and Quality), CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014, pp. 25-27. [2] L. Rubrich, An Introduction to Lean Construction: Applying Lean to Construction Organizations and Processes, WCM Associates LLC, 2012, pp. 36-54.